We Will Do It Together
Civil Rights Law
S.T. Allen Law, P.C.
How We Can Help
Attorney Allen, a trial lawyer and civil rights attorney, has spent years taking on tough cases for people who have faced discrimination in their communities, at school, or at work.
“No matter how big or small your case is, I will do everything within my power to provide you with the best representation available. I offer affordable rates and payment plans so no one is denied justice due to lack of funds.”
Prepared to Protect Your Civil Rights
Civil Rights Cases

Civil Unions & Domestic Partnerships
Civil rights are enshrined in both federal and state constitutions to guarantee that every American has the opportunity for success, prosperity, and happiness.
Civil Rights Law
Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
Plan Of Action
Know Your Rights
Civil rights are basic freedoms that are guaranteed by law to all citizens of the United States. They are the foundation of our democracy and one of our most cherished values.
S.T. Allen Law, P.C. will review each client’s case and explain their legal rights and options.
One Step Ahead
The first step is to understand the client’s situation and determine if their rights have been violated. This includes identifying the specific laws that have been violated and the legal remedies available to each client.
Building Your Case
The second step involves gathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and conducting legal research.
S.T. Allen Law, P.C. will also develop legal arguments and strategies to support our client’s case.
Achieving Your Goals
The third and final step may involve negotiating a settlement, filing a lawsuit, or taking other legal action. Civil rights attorney Shay T. Allen will works with clients to determine the best course of action to achieve their goals.
S.T. Allen Law, P.C.
Dedicated to our clients.
The civil rights movement was a struggle to end racially based denial of those rights often by state governments. Don’t waste a moment.
Contact us about your civil rights case today.
Issues That May Arise In Civil Rights Law Cases
You Are Not Alone
Our Professional Services Include:
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Discovery: Discovery is the process of gathering evidence before a trial. This can include depositions, interrogatories, and requests for documents.
Jury Trials: In civil cases, the right to a trial by jury is preserved for cases where the value in controversy exceeds twenty dollars.
Expert Witnesses: Expert witnesses can provide testimony on complex issues such as medical conditions, police procedures, or forensic evidence.
Appeals: If a client is unhappy with the outcome of a trial, they may choose to appeal the decision. This can be a lengthy and complex process.
Do You Require Related Services for
Civil Rights Law Cases?
Civil Rights cases are many times related to other services for which Attorney Shay Allen can represent you including:
- Federal Crimes
- White-Collar Crimes
- Expungement Services
FAQs - Civil Rights Law
What Are Examples of Civil Rights Violations?
• Unreasonable searches and seizures. • Cruel and unusual punishment. • Losing a job or being passed over for a promotion due to discrimination. • Abuse by a public official. • Any discrimination based on a superficial quality or belief.
Who protects our civil rights?
Civil rights are personal rights guaranteed and protected by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws enacted by Congress, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
What are example of Civil Rights?
Freedom of speech. Freedom of the press. Freedom of religion. Freedom to vote. Freedom against unwarranted searches of your home or property. Freedom to have a fair court trial. Freedom to remain silent in a police interrogation.